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Junk Home Buyers

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June 3, 2024

how to rent with an eviction on your record

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Imagine standing in the rental office’s front, heart racing, holding a form. You found the perfect apartment, but an old eviction marks your record. Like a storm cloud, it creates worry when trying to rent. This is a common issue, with around 1.5 million evictions happening each year in the U.S.12. Many people face these challenges. But, with the right steps and not giving up, you can still find a place to live.

If you have an eviction history, your rental choices might seem limited. But, it’s still possible to get a place. You might need to consider paying more rent or a bigger security deposit1. Or, you could use a cosigner to help get approved for a lease1. It’s all about knowing how to search and present yourself well.

Key Takeaways

  • Nearly 1.5 million eviction rulings occur annually in the U.S.12.
  • An eviction can significantly affect your rental prospects for up to seven years1.2.
  • Consider offering higher rent or a larger security deposit to make your application more appealing12.
  • Being honest and providing a renter’s resume can positively impact your rental applications12.
  • Persistence and targeted strategies can help you overcome eviction-related obstacles.

Understanding Your Situation

It’s important to know the challenges and stigma an eviction brings to finding a new place. Each year, about 1.5 million eviction rulings are made across the country. This shows it’s a big issue for renters1. Knowing your past rental problems and how they might affect you helps a lot. It can make it easier to talk to landlords and get a new place renting after eviction.

Assessing Your Rental History

First, look closely at your rental past. Find out why the eviction happened and its effect on your credit. An eviction can stay on your credit report for up to seven years1. Keep a record of this info for when you look for a new place. This lets you fix any issues ahead of time. Making a renter’s resume and getting references can also help you get a home, even with an eviction1.

Recognizing the Impact of an Eviction

An eviction can cause more than just a housing issue. It can hurt your credit and make finding a new place harder. Landlords might still rent to you if you pay more rent or give a larger deposit1. It’s tough but possible to find a place with an eviction. Knowing how the rental market works, though many landlords are careful, is key1. With this info, you can find a better home.

For more tips, check out ApartmentList. It offers great advice on renting after eviction.

Identifying Eviction-Friendly Rentals

Finding eviction-friendly rentals is tough, given the high number of eviction cases each year in the U.S.1 But, with the right steps and tools, it’s possible to find a home. Searching online and looking for landlords who are understanding can help a lot. These landlords know about difficulties with eviction records. They might give you a chance if you explain your situation.

Using Online Tools to Find Listings

Using the internet is key when looking for eviction accommodation rentals. Some websites are made to help renters with past evictions. They show places where landlords might be more lenient. Also, check community forums and social media. You might find tips on landlords who are open to renting to people with eviction records. But, always be careful. Some might not check your credit because they’re trying to scam you1.

Targeting Smaller Complexes and Private Landlords

Small apartment buildings and private landlords can be a good choice. They often care more about talking to you than just your credit score. So, you might be able to explain your situation and work out a deal. You could offer a bigger security deposit or agree to pay more rent. This could help you get the place1.

Connecting with Private Landlords

Private landlords are often more understanding when you’ve been evicted before. They are more open to talk and listen to your story. This is unlike big companies who usually stick to their strict rules3.

To show you’re a good choice, consider paying more rent upfront or a bigger deposit2. This shows you’re good with money. It’s also smart to prove you’ve been fixing your credit. Private landlords like renters who are financially stable and reliable3.

Having someone with good credit to co-sign for you is a good idea. It makes you look more reliable to the landlord2. If you talk to them directly, you can explain your good points. This includes how you’re working to fix things from the past.

In the U.S., about 1.5 million eviction cases happen every year1. This means private landlords know people can have a tough time. They might be willing to make a special rental deal that suits both of you. Being honest and making a personal connection can really help you get the rental3.

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Strategies for Transparent Communication

Talking well with possible landlords is very important. Being open about past evictions shows you are honest. Landlords like this a lot.

Preparing Your Documents

Make sure your papers for renting are complete and neat. Include everything landlords need to know. This means your rental story, good words from past landlords, and how much you earn. Showing a detailed rental history makes them see you as a good renter4.

Being truthful in your rental forms is also key. Tell if you’ve been kicked out before and why it happened. Owners like it when you’re straight with them about your rental past3. Talk about how you’ve made things better since then. Like staying friends with neighbors and always paying on time4.

Meeting landlords in person or on the phone is a good way to talk about important stuff. Sending emails can be good for details and updates. It also keeps a record for you5. Texting is quick, but be careful and act polite when you text5.

Always keep talking with landlords and answer their questions. Also, don’t forget to send extra papers they might ask for. Doing this makes it more likely you’ll get the place you want. Remember, being clear and open in your rental papers is key to doing well in the rental world3.

Improving Your Credit Score

Getting a good credit score after an eviction is super important. This can help you rent a place, especially if an old eviction is hurting your credit6.

improving credit score after eviction

Steps to Pay Off Outstanding Debts

First, find and pay your old debts. Missing payments on rent, utilities, or maintenance can lead to an eviction7. If left unpaid, these debts will hurt your credit for seven years7. You can also show landlords you’re reliable by paying extra rent or giving a bigger deposit6.

Building Positive Credit History

Next, work on having a good credit history. You can do this by getting a credit card and using it wisely. Or, you can take a small loan and pay it back on time. This will help you rent in the future7. Also, get people to vouch for you like your boss, friends, or old landlords6. Having someone with good credit to back you up can help a lot too6.

Removing the Eviction from Your Record

Taking away an eviction from your record helps a lot with getting new places to rent. You have a few good ways to try to do this.

One way is to use legal ways to get rid of the eviction on your record. The law says an eviction can stay on your record for seven years8. But, after the first two years, the effect on your credit can get better9.

Make sure to check your credit reports from Experian, TransUnion, and Equifax. Look for changes or the eviction being taken off after seven years8. Each state has different laws, so it’s smart to talk with a legal expert in your state. They can tell you what to do9.

Fixing mistakes in your credit report helps a lot, too. You can do this by talking with credit bureaus. They have to correct any wrong info according to the law9.

Also, property managers have to tell you why you were refused if they use your reports9.

Negotiating with Your Previous Landlord

Talking with your old landlord can also help. If there was a court ruling for the eviction, it might not go away even after you pay8. But, it’s good to talk to them anyway.

They might agree to remove it from your record if you pay all you owe. Or if you agree to some new terms like bigger deposits9. Working with private landlords directly can give you more options. They might be more open to removing the eviction record9.

These talks can really make it easier to get a new place to rent.

Offering to Pay Rent in Advance

After being evicted, finding a new place to live can be hard. But by offering to pay rent ahead of time, you can make it easier. This shows you’re serious and have the money to back it up.

Demonstrating Financial Stability

Landlords may worry if you’ve been evicted before. To ease their concerns, offer to pay rent for a few months upfront. This illustrates that you can handle your rent without any problems. With over 1.5 million evictions happening every year across the U.S., many renters are up against this issue12. Paying early or adding to the security deposit can really show you’re dependable12.

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Providing Proof of Income

Along with paying rent in advance, showing solid proof of income after an eviction is critical. Landlords want to know you’re financially secure to pay the rent. Make a renter’s resume with stuff like pay stubs, letters from work, or bank statements. This not only proves you’re stable but also helps build trust with hesitant landlords because of your past.

These steps — paying rent early and proving you have a good income — help a lot in getting a new place, even with an eviction history. Being clear about your finances and responsible shows landlords you are a good choice12.

Paying Rent in AdvanceShows financial stability and commitment
Higher Security DepositReduces landlord risk, increases approval chances
Providing Proof of IncomeBuilds trust and demonstrates ability to pay rent

Considering a Higher Security Deposit

Many people face challenges when renting after an eviction. Around 1.5 million people get evicted each year1. Suggesting a bigger security deposit is smart. It makes landlords more willing to rent to you, despite your past1.

Offering a higher security deposit can help with your rental history. It gives landlords more peace of mind. Since an eviction stays on your credit for up to seven years, offering more money upfront is important1.

Pairing a larger deposit with advance rent payments helps too. It shows you’re stable and committed. These steps boost your chances of finding a new place to rent1.

You can also read this guide for more tips on renting after eviction. Being proactive and informed is key. Being ready to talk about your past and offering more money upfront can help a lot.

Obtaining Strong Rental References

Getting good rental references is crucial if you have had an eviction. Nearly 1.5 million eviction rulings occur annually nationwide1. Landlords are careful with tenants who have been evicted before. So, it’s vital to get rental references that show you are reliable.

One good way is to ask for letters of reference from work or past landlords. These letters say you pay rent on time and can be trusted. This trust is important when you apply for a new rental2. You can also make a list of these good references in a renter’s resume1.

Try to find landlords who will look at your full rental history. Places with less demand for rentals, like small towns or suburbs, might be more open10. You can also look for places that don’t do background checks or that welcome people with evictions10.

Talking to your old landlords, paying any debts, and explaining your eviction can help. This could help you get a new place to rent2. Showing strong references lets landlords know they can trust you. It shows you are committed to being a good tenant after an eviction.

Creating a Renter’s Resume

Building a renter’s resume with an eviction might feel hard. But, it’s smart to do for getting a rental home. Show your financial good shape and reliable rent paying. This helps landlords trust you.

Assembling Employment and Income Proof

First, show how you make money and your job history. Use pay stubs, taxes, or bank papers. This shows you can always pay your rent. Make your resume stronger by showing you’ve worked at places a long time. And that your money comes from good sources. Landlords like renters who are financially secure and don’t use too much credit2.

Including Past Rental History

Your rental past is key for a good resume, even with an eviction. Talk about good things like paying on time and being respectful. Use past landlords or managers as references. This makes you seem more reliable. And, it shows you follow the rules and act fast on problems11. You could also offer to pay more upfront as a sign of trust2.

building a renter's resume with eviction

Show your income, job situation, and past rentals. This proves you are stable and serious. And, it makes your rental application better in a crowded market11.

Working with a Cosigner or Roommate

Having a cosigner or a roommate makes it easier to rent even with an eviction. They both give landlords more security. This helps deal with worries about your past rentals.

Understanding the Role of a Cosigner

A cosigner is very important when leasing with an eviction. Landlords often want your credit score to be above 670. With a cosigner, part of the financial responsibility falls on them. This makes landlords more confident that the rent will be paid on time. Even if you face money troubles, a cosigner helps keep things in order.

If you suggest paying more rent at first, landlords might be more open. This can make you stand out as a tenant, even with past issues2. A cosigner’s financial help can show landlords that you’re dependable, even with an eviction history.

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Bringing Financial Stability with a Roommate

A roommate can help lessen the cost of rent each month. It’s easier to look financially prepared when costs are split. This shows landlords that less than one third of your credit limit is used, which is good for credit scores2.

Also, if you have a good record with past landlords and no debts, landlords might be more easy going2. A trustworthy roommate can make this process smoother, even with an eviction in the background.

Being Honest About Your Eviction

Telling the truth when you’re renting, even if you have an eviction on your record, is key. Being upfront about an eviction shows you’re responsible. Landlords like this1.

An eviction goes on your record. It will show up when landlords check your background12. So, it’s very important to be honest upfront. This is because landlords check backgrounds to find reliable renters3. Being open about your eviction can help some landlords look past it, if you explain clearly3.

Also, improving how you manage money is a plus for finding a place to rent1. Private landlords are often more open if you’re on the level about your eviction3. They value truth and honesty, which can soften the blow of a past mistake.

Contacting Housing Support Services

After an eviction, getting help from housing support services is key13. They provide important support and help for those evicted. This is important for finding a new place to live.

People who help with housing can also set up plans to pay back rent. They help you know your rights under the law13. This includes info on how to file a complaint about fair housing or about security deposits by state13.

Even with an eviction history, some landlords may still rent to you if you prove you will pay. Someone else can sign the lease with you to show the landlord they will pay if you can’t12. You might also look into different types of homes like townhouses, guest houses, or sharing a house with others12.

HUD offers a lot of help about what tenants and landlords must do. This is very useful when looking for places to stay. It helps you know what landlords are looking for and be ready to talk to them13.

It’s key to stay hopeful in your hunt, even with an eviction past. About 1.5 million evictions happen each year in the U.S. You need to keep trying and stay proactive12. Despite facing tough times and maybe a few no’s, keep going. A good attitude and sticking with it could get you a home1. Evictions stick around for seven years. But, being hopeful in your search after one helps you tackle challenges1

To keep your chin up after an eviction, show you’re good with money. You could try paying rent early. This shows landlords you’re someone they can count on. It might make them more likely to pick you for a rental1. Also, smaller places you rent from a person might be easier than big rental companies1. These tips, and a smile, can help you find a place you can call home.


To beat eviction problems, you need to be really determined and do things step by step. If you get evicted, it might be hard to rent for seven years. So, it’s key to truly know your situation, look at your renting history, and see the problems14. Evictions are often in court records and checks done by future landlords. This makes it hard to find a new place to live14.

Boosting your credit score helps a lot. Landlords like to see credit scores of 670 or more. This shows you’re likely to pay rent on time15. Work on paying off debts, make good credit, and keep at it. Doing this can lessen how bad an eviction looks and help your future rental chances1415.

Telling the truth about your eviction to landlords and showing you have a steady job can really help. Landlords must tell you if bad credit is why they said no to you. This is under a thing called the Fair Credit Reporting Act14. Being open and honest can help landlords to trust you more. Keep looking for help, stay positive, and don’t give up. You can find a good place to live if you keep trying.

For more information and expert advice, visit Junk Home Buyer website. We’re here to help with all your needs.

  1. https://www.apartmentlist.com/renter-life/rent-after-being-evicted
  2. https://www.redfin.com/blog/how-to-rent-with-an-eviction-on-your-record/
  3. https://www.zumper.com/blog/rent-apartment-with-eviction/
  4. https://www.rentspree.com/blog/how-to-get-a-rental-history-report-on-yourself
  5. https://www.enterprisesrpm.com/guide-to-landlord-tenant-communication-661
  6. https://blog.dwellsy.com/how-to-rent-with-an-eviction-on-your-record/
  7. https://www.equifax.com/personal/education/credit/score/articles/-/learn/how-does-eviction-affect-credit-score/
  8. https://www.lawdistrict.com/articles/how-do-i-get-an-eviction-removed-from-my-record
  9. https://www.rent.com/blog/how-to-get-an-eviction-off-your-record/
  10. https://www.rentals.com/blog/renting-with-an-eviction/
  11. https://www.rentecdirect.com/blog/rental-resume-how-to-make-a-landlord-want-you/
  12. https://www.takechargeamerica.org/5-tips-for-renting-after-eviction/
  13. https://www.hudexchange.info/programs/housing-counseling/rental-and-homeless-eviction-prevention/
  14. https://www.cambiomoney.com/how-long-does-an-eviction-stay-on-your-record/
  15. https://www.linkedin.com/pulse/how-do-you-get-apartment-bad-credit-eviction-badcredit-8vemc

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